This little girl’s story moved me to tears. A little background information for those who might not be aware of her story, she is six years old and last January was told she has a rare and especially fatal form of leukemia. The NY Daily News published an article last January asking people to come to the hospital and be tested to see if they were a match for a bone marrow transplant. Thousands of people showed up to be tested and they eventually found a match for her. The doctors gave her the bone marrow transplant and she found out a few months ago that the cancer had come back. Sadly, she passed away on Wednesday almost a year after being diagnosed.
I was particularly touched by this story for a few reasons number one being the fact that she was adopted. It seems today that there is so much child abuse going on and kids getting placed into these horrible homes but she was so lucky to have gone to this wonderful family who did all they could to help her. Secondly, I saw an interview with her on the news a few months back and this was before she was able to meet President Obama she was so full of hope and so positive and almost care free. I know that if I was in that situation I would have been scared shitless and probably be down on my luck and not hopeful at all.
When her mother was told that the cancer had come back after the bone marrow transplant which they thought would have cured her, the mother started crying and this six year old child, said “ don’t cry mama, think of something beautiful”. What child would say that and be so optimistic? I feel if it were me in that situation I would be scared and maybe even give up fighting but that did not stop her. She was positive throughout this whole ordeal and she is such an inspiration to so many people, children and adults alike.
It kills me when I see children dying and suffering from an illness someone that small and that full of life still should not have to suffer they should be able to enjoy being a child, playing outside, not stuck in a hospital and tired and sick from chemo. It’s just not fair, there are so many sick and twisted people in this world who live on and have no idea what it means to be grateful for anything, so many bad people in this world, and this poor little girl had to suffer.
It makes me appreciate my health and my life, just realize you cannot take anything for granted, and never hold a grudge against anyone since you never know when someone will not be here anymore. RIP Jasmina.
Info Loker Terbaru Tangerang Bulan Desember 2015
9 years ago